Monday Movie News!


One of my all-time favourite authors is F. Scott Fitzgerald, so you can imagine my surprise and delight when I found out that two of his novels will be hitting the big screen within the next few years.  Both movies will be starring Keira Knightly, one of my favourite actresses.

Movie #1: The Beautiful and the Damned

I have not read this novel yet. The movie is set to release January 1, 2011, so maybe I’ll ask for this book for Christmas.

This novel is usually described as a ‘biography’ of Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda, and their fast life in the 20’s. In this second novel by Fitzgerald,  a glamorous and doomed marriage is portrayed in the decadent high society of New York City. The novel introduces us to the pleasure-seeking Anthony and his beautiful, vain, and shallow golden girl just after their marriage, when-believing a large inheritance to be imminent-they begin living well beyond their means.





Movie #2: Tender is the Night

It is rumored that Keira Knightly will also be appearing in another Fitzgerald remake as Nicole Diver. Her leading man is speculated to be Matt Damon (playing Dick Diver). I have read this book already, and started re-reading it again since the last time I read it I was 12,but I can say it is one of my all time favorites. Set on the French Riviera in the late 1920s, Tender Is the Night is the tragic romance of the young actress Rosemary Hoyt and the stylish American couple Dick and Nicole Diver. A brilliant young psychiatrist at the time of his marriage, Dick is both husband and doctor to Nicole, whose wealth goads him into a lifestyle not his own, and whose growing strength highlights Dick’s harrowing demise. The movie is set to release some time in 2012.

With having just passed our own mini version of the 1930’s crash, could popularity be turning to the 1920’s as a parallel reference? The rich and famous in the 1920’s lived too extravagantly, spending money that wasn’t their own (hello credit), which was a cause of the crash in the stock market.  I love the jazz age and the glamour of the 1920’s, and I am so happy that entertainment it focusing around this beautiful era.

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